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available from v3.3.95


This is documentation for enabling Tailwind v3.
For the Tailwind v4 version of this site, see the Tailwind v4 documentation.

A function that modifies the default Webpack configuration to make the necessary changes to support TailwindCSS. See the setup to see full instructions on how to setup TailwindCSS in Remotion.

import {Config} from '@remotion/cli/config';
import {enableTailwind} from '@remotion/tailwind';
Config.overrideWebpackConfig((currentConfiguration) => {
return enableTailwind(currentConfiguration);

Multiple Webpack changes

If you want to make other configuration changes, you can do so by doing them reducer-style:

import {Config} from '@remotion/cli/config';
import {enableTailwind} from '@remotion/tailwind';
Config.overrideWebpackConfig((currentConfiguration) => {
return enableTailwind({
// Make other changes

Custom Tailwind config locationv4.0.187

By default, TailwindCSS will search for a file called tailwind.config.js in the current working directory where you executed the Remotion CLI.
This is not in line with Remotion which resolves files relative to the Remotion Root.

This mean if you execute the Remotion CLI from a different directory, Tailwind will not be able to find the config file.
To fix this, you can pass the path to the config file as the second argument to enableTailwind():

import path from 'node:path';
import {Config} from '@remotion/cli/config';
import {enableTailwind} from '@remotion/tailwind';
Config.overrideWebpackConfig((currentConfiguration) => {
return enableTailwind(currentConfiguration, {
configLocation: path.join(__dirname, 'tailwind.config.js'),